Enter your business for a chance to win a FREE website!
Calling all new businesses, start-ups, small & local businesses!
Need a new or refreshed website?
Either visit the Melton Christmas Tree Festival 1st- 5th December to
find our Belvoir Design tree, or fill in the form here for your chance to win!
Winner announced on Christmas Eve!
T&Cs Christmas Win a Website Belvoir Design Prize Draw
Completed forms will be entered into a prize draw and a winner will be selected at random. One entry per business. Winner will be informed by the end of 24th December 2023. Please note, e-Commerce business websites will incur a cost, starting at £100 depending on number of products and whether you require us to upload content once the page is built. Prize Website to be built and go live before end February 2024 at the latest. Please note the prize is to win a website for up to 8 pages, normally worth £495, designed and built by Belvoir Design. Prize does not include ongoing hosting costs for website which will be agreed before the prize is accepted- either we take care of this for you (see next) or you take ownership of these once site is live. Option also, but no obligation, to add maintenance of website once live for any updates, new pages, changes etc. Prices start at £20/month for hosting only package with Belvoir Design, and prices start at £40/month for optional hosting and maintenance package with us, prices depend on the nature of the website i.e. whether it involves e-commerce. Minimum 12 months contract for hosting and/or maintenance packages if you decide to go through us. Please note we may use your information to contact you via email after the competition has ended but will not pass on your details to anyone else. Feel free to opt out of future contact by replying to aforementioned email. Merry Christmas & Good Luck!!!